The aim of the project was the rehabilitation and widening of the existing road (11.500 m) and the construction of a new road (10.500 m), to connect the Lushnje and Fier towns. The road has a national significance because connects the north and south of Albania (also Montenegro and ex Yugoslavia countries to Greece). Included in the contract, reconstruction of medium and low voltage electric power lines and optical fiber telephone lines. Among the various works performed, there are four fly-overs and two bridges. All the structures were made in reinforced concrete and the foundations of bridges were realised with piles deep 30 meters. It is a double lane road, with 7,50 + 7,50 m travel lanes, median 3,5 m; shoulder of 1,25 m, for a total width of about 21 m. It can be defined, following Albanian specifications, as an highway. The total length of the road is 22 km.