For ICM Group, it is essential for each company activity to be guided by ethical values and principles, all of which are defined in the Code of Conduct that each of the Group Companies must adopt to guide their actions. Such Code of Conduct is based on the principles of correctness, transparency, honesty and integrity in compliance with the highest national and international standards and guidelines in the management of the activities in which the Companies belonging to the Group operate. In such general picture, strict compliance with the current legal regulations, loyalty, correctness and transparency when acting, close attention for the high quality of the business activity, strict respect for human dignity, the protection of physical and moral integrity, as well as the appreciation of its own staff represent General Principles and, consequently, conduct standards by which all the individuals involved in the business activities must abide. Taking inspiration from the conviction that all activities are also conducted in favour of society, the Code of Conduct is reflected in the convinced adherence to conducts in line with its contents and, consequently, each of the Maltauro Group Companies adopts the Group Code of Conduct as a document aimed at regulating the conducts of employees, collaborators, the management and the entire Senior Management of the different Companies. Through the application of the Code of Conduct contents, each company of the group undertakes to abide by and ensure compliance with the general and specific principles established therein as well as to spread its contents by means of an internal continuous training process.

    Code of Conduct ICM Group


    PREVENTIVE MEASURES PURSUANT TO ITALIAN LEGISLATIVE DECREE 231/2001 To follow the ethical values from which the activities of ICM Group take inspiration, the Group Companies have adopted a procedural system that is able to guarantee the prevention of crimes in full compliance with and adherence to Italian Legislative Decree 231/2001. The Management, Organisation and Control Model adopted by the Group Companies implements all the general and specific principles established by the Group Code of Conduct turning them into their own principles in a compatible and effective manner with respect to the particular activities conducted by each of them, transforming them into a set of procedures that constitutes a strict code of conduct that all the individuals operating in the interest of the single Companies must observe.

    The ICM Group Organisational Model Integra Organisational Model


    ICM Group attaches great importance to the sustainability report. It represents a fundamental element of the company's industrial strategy: it allows for transparent communication of the Group's environmental, social, and economic performance. ICM reflects its commitment through a series of initiatives aimed at improving energy efficiency, reducing emissions, and promoting the circular economy.

    Among the Group's priorities, attention to the health and protection of workers is fundamental. Continuous investment is made in site safety and staff training, ensuring a protected work environment. The sustainability report not only reflects these efforts but also represents an opportunity to actively engage stakeholders by conducting materiality analyses to identify the most relevant aspects in terms of impact.

    Sustainability reports 2022

    Published on September 06, 2023

    Sustainability reports 2023

    Published on September 20, 2024


    To implement the Group Code of Conduct, ICM Group has adopted its own Legality Protocol and its own Anti-Corruption Protocol, which – through the application of a strict system of conduct and corporate procedure standards – are aimed at fighting mafia infiltration attempts in the work sites and plants of the Group Companies, and at preventing corruptive conducts from being adopted in favour of the Group Companies.

    Legality Protocol of ICM Group Anti-Corruption Protocol ICM Group


    Wherever Public Administrations have signed specific Legality Protocols with territorially competent Authorities, such protocols shall be strictly applied by the Group Companies operating in such contexts.

    Legality Protocols Metropolitana di Napoli Legality Protocols Line 1 Metronapoli Operating Protocols for Financial Monitoring Line 1 Metronapoli Legality Protocols Line 6 Metronapoli Operating Protocols for Financial Monitoring Line 6 Metronapoli Cosenza Agreements Legality Protocols BCA Scarl Augusta Legality Protocols BCA Scarl Catania






    ICM SpA has been operating since 1921 as a general construction company, engaging in both private sector projects and public works, including building, road, hydraulic, and infrastructure projects in general. Its technical and administrative structure, equipment, and organizational and production experience enable the company to undertake projects of any nature and scale, both in Italy and abroad.

    ICM, aware of the constant evolution of the market and the resulting challenges, has decided to propose and implement a competitive model based on the highest quality, professionalism, sustainability, and social responsibility.

    On one hand, it maintains an effective integrated management system in compliance with UNI EN ISO 9001, UNI EN ISO 14001, UNI ISO 45001, UNI 39001, UNI ISO 37001, SA 8000, and UNI ISO 30415 standards. On the other hand, it follows a corporate organizational system in line with the provisions of Legislative Decree 231/2001, based on internationally recognized ethical and compliance principles.

    This ensures continuous quality of service and compliance with current regulations, the RTS (Road Traffic Safety System) objectives it has set, international ILO conventions, and existing contracts, as detailed in the Integrated Policy adopted by the company.

    Integrated Policy ICM Group

    ICM maintains a constant commitment to preventing illegal conduct in general, maintaining a high level of monitoring within the scope of its business activities.

    In this context, ICM considers it of fundamental importance to ensure effective and free communication between its employees, collaborators, and third parties in general who are involved in various capacities in the company's actions, and the bodies responsible for overseeing the effectiveness, including the preventive effectiveness, of the Management System.

    To this end, ICM has established a dedicated communication channel for employees, top management and shareholders or those under their direction or supervision, interns/trainees, freelance collaborators or self-employed workers in general who provide their services on behalf of or in the interest of ICM or a company controlled by it and who have become aware, in the context of their work, of violations of the rules contained in the codes of conduct adopted by the Company (e.g., Protocol of Legality, Anti-Corruption Protocol, Code of Ethics, Model 231/01, Social Responsibility Management System SA8000, UNI ISO 30415 for maintaining an ethical and inclusive work environment and, more generally, the Integrated Management System), or of illegal acts in the field of public procurement, financial markets, money laundering and terrorism prevention, environmental protection and safety, public health, consumer protection, privacy and data security, network and information system security, or acts and omissions that harm the financial interests of the European Union or concern the internal European market including violations of competition and state aid rules, as well as violations concerning the internal market related to acts that violate corporate tax laws or mechanisms aimed at obtaining a tax advantage that undermines the objectives of the applicable corporate tax legislation.

    The channel is accessible through the link which ensures the confidentiality of the identity of the whistleblower, the persons possibly involved or mentioned in the report, as well as the content of the report itself and the related documentation, in accordance with the "Whistleblowing" procedure.


    The employee, collaborator or supplier willing to make a report or a complaint regarding the SA8000 aspects can download and fill in the form in the part: "subject of the report".  To remain anonymous, the space "reserved to the interested party" must be left blank. Once the form has been completed and sent as instructed, ICM SpA will decide on any necessary actions within one month. In case of anonymous reports, the actions taken will be published on the company's bulletin board.

    UNI ISO 37001 CLAIMS

    Any employee, collaborator, supplier, partner or business associate who wishes to make a report in relation to anti-corruption matters or who is faced with a person or a situation which could include acts of corruption may report and/or request assistance from the Team Responsible of the Anti Bribery System by 
    - sending a letter to the address Viale dell'Industria n. 42 36100 - Vicenza - To the attention of the RSPC
    - sending an email to the address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    This email address may also be used for requests for clarification or further information on the subject. 

    Team Responsible of the Anti Bribery System

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